Jason Snyder & I explore human development with a wide variety of guests using philosophical & contemplative perspectives.
On Indefinite Hiatus
2019 — 2020
Jason & I reunite after 17 months to catch up and reflect on the sensemaking/meta/liminal web.
Jason & I come back one more time to catch up & give out 5 awards each to stand-out Both/And episodes.
Jason & I were guests on the Growing Down Podcast and talked about politics, culture, spirituality & much more…
Jason & I talk about Both/And's hiatus, the sensemaking web, memetic mediation, locality, spirituality, our friendship, politics, the future & more.
We talk with the Light Dark Institute founder, Leslie Rogers about his dark awakening, light vs dark personal work, mythopoetic power, collapse, death, pain as pleasure, & more.
We talk with Jeremy Johnson about Jean Gebser’s work — time, integral consciousness & evolution, limits of abstraction, spiritual themes, meta-theories, & more.
Jason Snyder & I were on the REROUTE.FM podcast to reflect on Both/And.