Jared Janes

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#23 Integral Psych & Culture

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Jason & I talk with Integral Psychologist Mark Forman about his journey to Integral theory & transpersonal psychology, how it differs from traditional psych, Integral's four quadrants & levels/stages frameworks, Sam Harris's conversational challenges, perspective-shifting, his reflections on practicing psych, trauma, authoritarian tendencies on the left & right, Trump's cultural impact, the state of the IDW & Integral, his view on metamodernism, and the Freudian unconscious.

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In this episode of Both/And

Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux

Jared's Reddit Post

Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson Conversations
Sam Harris Podcast: WHAT IS TRUE?, Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Vancouver - 1, & Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Vancouver - 2

Ken Wilber: The Intellectual Dark Web, an Integral Conversation?

Roy Bhaskar's article What is Critical Realism?

The Brain and the Inner World: An Introduction to the Neuroscience of the Subjective Experience by Mark Solms

Twitter Questions

Mark's Website

CIT Integral Page

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#24 Religion, Creativity & Deleuze

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#22 Meta-Rationality & Sexuality

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